New Blood is thriving in St Paul.
Jack Hoogendyk Running hard to try to unseat Carl Levin. Is making some positive waves in St. Paul. Nice to see this from the Republicans. BTW if ever there was someone who represented the same old same old it is Carl Levin. He has always been in the forefront of pushing the liberal policies that have made Michigan a laughing stock.
Help Jack
Take Our Michigan Back
Hoogendyk Calls for Blood Drive at Republican Convention
Michigan Delegates Pledge to Give Blood for Hurricane Victims
Minneapolis, MN - Michigan State Representative Jack Hoogendyk announced that the Michigan delegation to the Republican National Convention would be participating in a blood drive on Tuesday, which he initiated to provide relief for potential victims of Hurricane Gustav. Hoogendyk, the Republican Party's candidate to unseat US Senator Carl Levin, made the announcement at the Michigan delegation's breakfast and then circulated the room with a clipboard collecting pledges for blood donations.
The local Red Cross has named the effort the "Michigan Republican Party Gulf Relief Blood Drive." The Red Cross plans to send a blood drive bus to the Northland Inn, where the Michigan delegation is staying. Hoogendyk is calling for blood donations from residents across the state of Michigan, as well as from other delegates to the Convention.
"Everyone here in Minnesota at the Convention is watching the events in the Gulf closely. We see it as an opportunity to mobilize Republicans from all around the country to help their fellow citizens who are suffering from the effects of Hurricane Gustav," says Hoogendyk. "We're all going to roll up our sleeves and give blood to send to those in need in the Gulf Coast area."
The blood drive will be taking place at the Northland Inn Hotel on Tuesday, September 2 from 10 am to 4 pm. A large turnout is expected.
Just a thought. Wonder who the first Democrat will be that says it’s all Bush’s fault. Now that would be a constructive thing to say. That is a policy to get behind. That is the SAME OLD SAME OLD.
Also Right Michigan our own West Michigan Blog (the best Republican blog for Michigan politics) is giving live coverage from St. Paul. Nick has all the credentials to get anywhere. Here is a part with Jack in it.
Scroll down and the fourth picture is Jack at the Podium. Under the picture Nick in is customary in depth manner helps explain how the above press Release came about. I give Jack a “Bottom Up” award for putting people first then Making Do, Making it Now and Getting It Done. I could get used to Leaders that lead and not like the ones we have that have to wait for polling before doing anything.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
PS The owners of Toast N Jams and I are in the planning stages for a Help Jack Take Michigan Back Fundraiser. I’ll keep you posted. Our state can’t take any more liberal experiments.
If Jack needs help "Clearing the Road" I know just the Person.