Thursday, December 11, 2008

Delusional Times, or REVOLUTIONARY ???

John Gapper of the Financial Times wrote the most convoluted piece I’ve had the oncoming headache to read in a long time
Of course I read Gaper’s article after I read the piece in by Robert Duncan called “The GOP Has Some Fight Left” so I already was feeling a bit lost in “Wonderland”.
Both writers are missing the point of their stories. Both seem to be conjuring up visions of why the obvious should be discounted for the complicated only they understand. Perhaps it is they who are obtuse and the public (readers and voters) who are being obtuse. In the best sense of the elites of the world let’s obfuscate the obvious from the obtuse.

I hope you think that was some silly writing. That was the point. The elites will always write in glowing terms littered with big words to try to confuse the reader and detract them from the obvious message.
Since given an alternative to Mass Media, the public has chosen the alternative be it Talk Radio or the Internet. They have chosen substance over style. They decided they want to decide what news is fit to read not someone else.
I agree that I’m not going to open a Baghdad office, I’ve been know to seek out blogs out of Baghdad and tend to trust their opinions more.
As far as Duncan and his vaunted NRCC……What can I say about the condescending clap trap that entirely misses the point??

When Duncan says ----- “the voters of Louisiana embraced the conservative values of fiscal responsibility, strengthened national security and increased domestic energy production” ------ or “Mr. Cao's commitment to preserve the dignity of public office by championing comprehensive ethics reform, keeping taxes low, and providing greater accountability for Congressional spending.” Man O Man.

It only goes to show the obvious. Duncan doesn’t have a clue. I sure didn’t hear much about the efforts of Cao and his volunteers, just about the NRCC and their new and better efforts. He seems only interested in buying new computer programs and trying to phone more people than they did last election. He seems to lack the concept that people voted for Anh Cao because he did what was anathema to the “Duncans” of the world.

Cao actually did some things in the district that made people take notice because the things Cao did were helping them. Just like Bobby Jindal, Cao made a real difference in the lives of people living in his area; and like Jindal the people voted them both into office, in spite of Duncan’s effort. I think he and the voters could care less about the talking points Duncan was making.

For Duncan to think otherwise is as delusional as bailing out The Big 3 or bailing out the Mass Media. If you think the Mass Media or at least the large newspapers don’t want to be bailed out, I think Mr. Gapper in his defense of the Elites having a right to spew their snobbery wrote the following.
My working assumption, in more ways than one, is that consolidation – or, more accurately, eradication – of local newspapers will strengthen the editorial position of the remaining elite: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, the Financial Times etc.
I also assume that this elite will find some way to cover its costs. Here’s hoping, anyway.
What better way to cover it’s cost (and rear end) than a bailout??
Perhaps I’m delusional, but then again it looks like we are going through a delusional time. I'm hoping that this is the last gasp of a bureaucratic system that doesn't work and will finally let the common sense of the people make some changes to it, WITHOUT starting a revolution to do it.

Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"Doers of Deeds"

I’ve been following Bobby Jindal from his Katrina days. He seemed to epitomize what I’ve been trying to say in my blogs. He’s been an example of doing what I’ve been trying to say.

Whether he or I were right or wrong, what I admired was that he was a “doer” of the deed. My main point in my blogs has been based on the idea best summned up in a quote attributed to Tip O’Neal; “Politics is Personal“.

The fewer layers between politics and the people the more the people like it. The more personal it is. The better chance the voters have of seeing not only what a politician stands for; but how well he can put that into practice. The more connected to the process the People feel--Are.

Bobby Jindal had a chance to practice what he preached in the aftermath of Katrina. Remember a lot of other politicians with a lot more power had the same chance and better resources to work with but didn’t. Bobby Jindal just rolled up his sleeves and started helping people. When everyone else who should of stepped up was busy covering there backside and doing the Beltway shuffle; he leveraged what political power he had in the vacuum and started assuming leadership and got things done.
Guess what? The citizens of Louisiana made him Governor because of that.

I’ve said all this before, but one thing I missed was that during Katrina there was another “doer of deeds” who jumped in and started organizing aid and help while everyone else from Mayors to Governors to FEMA bureaucrats were being PC and covering their butts. This guy flew under my radar as well as most others’.
From an article in Politico by JOSH KRAUSHAAR & ANDY BARR |
From that article the following quote
After Hurricane Katrina, Cao’s rebuilt law office became a hub for community organizing and assistance to hurricane victims. His experience helping to rebuild New Orleans also has important symbolic value for the GOP, which was stigmatized — particularly among minority voters — by the Bush administration’s failed response to the disaster.
Well that “doer of deeds” was just elected in a heavily Democratic area. It was a stunning upset. By the way after Katrina, Jindal appointed Cao to a government position, I assume as a kindred spirit and later the people elected him.

All well and good. As the article pointed out, Newt Gingrich has been touting Bobby Jindal for a long time now.

The article was enlightening in what it didn’t say about the Republican efforts to recruit minority members. It didn’t say it had been a top down procedure. An example of the best of the leadership within the party trying to pick a candidate using the best methods available. Then they all got together and picked a candidate. Like the Democrats picking a popular comedian, Al Franken, to run and are hoping next to snare a well know “talking head” in Chris Matthews. We picked a football player Lynn Swann. Swann lost, Franken is losing. Matthews hasn’t lost because he hasn’t run yet.

No offense to these candidates, just to the way they are picked.

It just seems like this top down process does not connect with the people we are claiming to be recruiting. If so it is only those that will only think the way the leadership thinks. All well and good for the leadership perhaps, but for the party and the people the “bottom up” approach seems to be resonating a lot lately.
We have a chance here to beat the Dems at their own game. If we facilitate the local candidates who are proving to be the “doers” instead of supplanting them with people “we” think better represent the people then we will start letting the Cao’s and Jindal’s rise to the top.

One last thing. I’ve always liked John Boehner. He was slow in the uptake on the idea of changing the Republican message. But once he started changing he has become a real leader of the opposition. He has show cased the young conservative talent that we have in the House. He has dare I say it facilitated the fresh young minds instead of being just another obstacle to them. The above article shows again his ability to use his “bully pulpit” to advance the up and comers in our ranks. To make sure we all can see who the “Doer of Deeds” are.

Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Dominos Anyone?

Chambliss and Jindal Together?
I noted along with every one else about the Chambliss victory as being the result of two things.
1. Obama wasn’t on the ballot and a lower voter turnout favored Chambliss.
2. The Conservative message won over the liberal message of proven failure.
While the first was obvious. The second could be argued.
Now off Drudge I pick up this from My Way
This seems to add some fuel to the thought that the conservative message works. Also the lack of the Obama effort to get out the vote played a part. Although as in the Chambliss victory, Obama did a telephone voice recording in another losing effort. Also the terrible deeds of Jefferson had to of played a large part.
What makes me comfortable in claiming the Conservative message was as big a part in Cao’s victory will be found in the following quote from the article.
“Greg Rigamer, a New Orleans political consultant, said his analysis showed turnout in predominantly white sections of the district was double that in black areas. He said that helped push Cao to victory over Jefferson, who became Louisiana's first black congressman since Reconstruction when he took office in 1991.
"This is quite a feat," Rigamer said of Cao's victory.
Granted the Obama effect wasn’t there, but something turned out the base “double” normal. I’m saying it was the message as much as anything.

The Jindal message (I’ll paraphrase in my own terms as I understand Bobby’s) Make Do Make It Now, Make It Work. In other words, get something done. Anyway Jindal appointed Cao and endorsed him. Cao won. That alone should be enough. The conservative message was there. All the negatives of Jefferson and Nobama of course helped but without the POSITIVE conservative message, Cao would of lost. That seems apparent.

Anh Cao’s story is one of such difficulty in pursuing happiness, few Americans need face anymore, but most remember being told by their forefathers similar struggles in achieving the American Dream.

Take a look also at this link to see the scope of what the Conservative common sense get it done message will do, will resonate if it is backed by actions equal to the rhetoric.
Well I’m curious not to see how the Media and the Dems will dismiss this I’m really interested in how our party big shots will join ranks and probably call it a fluke or something.
It it walks like a Ducks and quacks like a Duck, well I’m willing to call it what it is. A Republican landslide in Louisiana. A state headed by one of the “doers” of conservative deeds in America today.

Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative