Friday, January 1, 2010

What Republicans Need in 2010 and Beyond

Balls and grit !!!

The people at PJTV in their Trifecta segment diagnosed the Republican problem in their own way. They claim the Leadership and major Candidates need to be taken out; they are not giving all those people screaming for help what they want - they are not talking to the Tea Party people.


What the leaders are happens to be what they are, game players. What the people want are Candidates who will stand up for common sense; and not allow themselves to be influenced by the subtle devious arguments of rich lawyers that corrupt the meaning of a policy or law. The people want some candidates and leaders who first are consistent with a conservative message, and second act with integrity in pursuing that message.

As in the case of law enforcement they want someone to read the law as it is written and enforce it as such. This approach allows citizens to understand the law and follow it. It hinders slick lawyers of the well off to bend the meaning of the law for their clients. ie no one is above the law.

The next link again is from PJTV and is an interview by Joe Hicks of LA County District Attorney Steve Cooley about his decision to go after the some 800 dispensaries of medical marijuana in the city.


This segment is a good look at the misuse of the law which was to allow people suffering in pain from certain diseases to use marijuana as a pain killer.

The corruption of the law for the financial benefit of organized crime whether the Mexican cartels or local LA gangs; or of crooked doctors etc, seemed pretty obvious. The part that I enjoyed was DA Cooley’s shedding light on the way the LA City Commission was treating the law as if they could make it anyway they wanted, regardless of the wording of the law.

The thrust of the first link to Trifecta was about how upset people have become with government and bureaucracy. The idea that governments tend to think they are above the law. The LA Commission seems a perfect of example of people unfamiliar with the law deciding all the aspects of the law – regardless of the law.

This LA County District Attorney got me interested. I started digging.

In the link below we see how in response to criminals wearing body armour (bullet proof vests), police were put in danger. This was starting to become wide spread and a law written to ban and criminalize that behavior wasn’t up held by the court because it was badly written. The Common sense and the integrity I have mentioned was shown by DA Cooley when he realized that a law was needed so he wrote his own law and is pushing to get someone in the legislature to put it forward.


Cooley started making waves in 2005 when he read a nice sounding law with a big loophole. The law made it a federal crime for cop killers to flea jurisdiction. The loop hole gives the killer a chance at parole under Federal law, which he wouldn’t get in California. Again a nice, probably well meant law with bad consequences.

Cooley saw the problem and stood up with integrity and common sense to let people know.


Note also that the person who put forward the bill in the US House was a fellow Republican. Cooley had knowledge of this bill as it was first proposed in LA County.
That is the kind of person that the Republican party needs to put forth as a candidate.

Gladly 2010 is not a Presidential election year, and hopefully from the 2010 elections a leader will emerge from the Tea Party people or someone who is sympathetic and resonant with them that can lead the party to victory in 2012. Time will tell.

Either way the Republican party needs to let the people into the decision making of the elite RNC, we need a big tent alright but some pretty mighty poles or planks to support it.

Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

PS This just in about Steve Cooley.


I hope he does and I wish him luck.

Happy New Year

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Who needs New Year’s Resolutions ???

I Don't

I used to enjoy making Resolutions at New Year’s beginning. I knew I probably wouldn’t keep most of them; but you know I usually attempted to do all of them at least partially.

Kind of a continual battle to better myself. A kind of reality check, about the perfect being the enemy of the good. The nice thing was, I would feel good for the progress and not beat myself up over not being perfect. Like I mean it’s not a law or anything – Right?


Just saw this article in a Chicago paper about how the State of Illinois has 300 new laws on the books for their citizens to follow. What is a law other than a mandatory Resolution made by the State you must follow? Well I’m sure they’ll also remind you - ignorance of the law is no excuse.

BTW if they got 300 new laws for this year, how many do they already have on the books? Thousands I would guess.

I like the one about American made flags on all government buildings, even local ones. Knowing Chicago, the Mayor’s nephew probably has a stake in a flag making company on the South Side. I wonder if the flag pole and or holder etc has to be American made too. I mean do you want the Chineese supporting Old Glory. Well outside of buying our bonds of course.

I assume other inquiring minds than my own are wondering why flags have been signaled out? Think of the possibilities. This could be a god send for legislators who made a New Year’s resolution to get their name on a bill this year to prove to those that elected them they are hard at work.

I can see the headline now.

The JOHN DOE American Made Toilet Paper Bill has passed the Senate!!!

Why should I bother when we have so many experts getting paid so well to realize and tell me what I should and shouldn’t do? Who am I to decide such things?

Well Happy New Year’s Anyway.

I can’t resist – I Resolve not to swear on my blog.

Oh Shite (see what I mean?) they probably already have a law; or John Doe is putting pen to one as I speak. Lol No Foreign swearing on Blogs. The TSA will be getting into it pretty soon.

Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

PS the Dems should do some Resolution making not to lose candidates.


This after the blog I did the other day about Parker Griffith


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Not just Theirs, but Our Freedom Too.

Iran had their Presidential election June 12, 2009.

As news of the election results worked its way across Iran, so too did protests of what many thought were patently unfair and crooked elections there.


These protest turned into mass protests in the streets of Iran. Neda a young college art student modestly dressed was with her teacher watching the demonstration when she was shot. Be warned the video is graphic. She died on the spot.



This was caught on a camera and put out on you tube for the world to see. Millions around the world saw this young girl die after being murdered.

Obama had this to say about Neda.


What kind of excuse is there for that gobblygook coming from the leader of the free world?

In Iran however the public wasn’t taking it sitting down. They weren’t blue and depressed; they were green and bubbling over with anger. They were going underground and getting organized.

Tyranny always and everywhere will be fought against by those who are oppressed by whatever they have on hand.

We did it during our revolution, outnumbered and out gunned at Valley Forge, the youth in China’s Tiananmen Square did it and there were deaths then too.

People when backed into a corner become willing to lose all in violent protest – when that is all they have left.

This next video explains some of the action that has been building up since the elections and mentions some of the demonstrations around the first of Dec. 09, that had already taken place and further portends the upcoming demonstrations on the 27th of Dec. The video is from PJTV. It is good and informative of the background.


Well the demonstrations on the 27th did take place and the Iranian government did crack down. What little we heard on the MSM was useless but thank God for the Internet and videos. The news is coming out. The Iranian Citizens are making sure, the foreign media is banned from filing stories. The state media is well "state" run.


And more from the 27th protests.


Of course the Iranian government thugs claim innocence.


Now finally standing firm for freedom everywhere the most recent response from the Leader of the Free World is linked below.


If you were fighting for your freedom and your life in the streets of Iran how much Hope and Change would you feel after hearing that rousing bit of doggerel.???

Thank God for the Internet; now it has become Not just Theirs, but Our Freedom Too.

Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative.

Monday, December 28, 2009

NO to Nonsense "First Rule"

The Dems are again accusing the Repubs of being the party of No.


They seem to forget that along with all the Repubs that voted against it there were a lot of Dems doing the same. Just not enough; but instead of whining like the Dems -----

Why not just counter attack and call the Dems the party of Nonsense?

Or better yet No-Sense?

Here is a video of Max Baucus who is the Senates Finance Chair; in other words the head Dem in the Senate who decides where our money goes. He talks like he already spent some of it on Jack.


In my life, I’ve helped a lot of Alcoholics and listened to a lot of ranting similar to what the Senator is saying. They constantly get lost in their thoughts and return to the one thing they can remember without finishing their point. That is sad to see in a down and outer but in a US Senator it is embarrassing and downright heartbreaking. I would not vote yes to anything that dude was talking about.

If he pleaded an early onslaught of Alzheimer's disease then I at least would listen to what others in his party had to say.

I take it as what it is -

Just a lot of Nonsense

A little Common Sense makes it easier to say NO to Nonsense.

Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative