The people at PJTV in their Trifecta segment diagnosed the Republican problem in their own way. They claim the Leadership and major Candidates need to be taken out; they are not giving all those people screaming for help what they want - they are not talking to the Tea Party people.
What the leaders are happens to be what they are, game players. What the people want are Candidates who will stand up for common sense; and not allow themselves to be influenced by the subtle devious arguments of rich lawyers that corrupt the meaning of a policy or law. The people want some candidates and leaders who first are consistent with a conservative message, and second act with integrity in pursuing that message.
As in the case of law enforcement they want someone to read the law as it is written and enforce it as such. This approach allows citizens to understand the law and follow it. It hinders slick lawyers of the well off to bend the meaning of the law for their clients. ie no one is above the law.
The next link again is from PJTV and is an interview by Joe Hicks of LA County District Attorney Steve Cooley about his decision to go after the some 800 dispensaries of medical marijuana in the city.
This segment is a good look at the misuse of the law which was to allow people suffering in pain from certain diseases to use marijuana as a pain killer.
The corruption of the law for the financial benefit of organized crime whether the Mexican cartels or local LA gangs; or of crooked doctors etc, seemed pretty obvious. The part that I enjoyed was DA Cooley’s shedding light on the way the LA City Commission was treating the law as if they could make it anyway they wanted, regardless of the wording of the law.
The thrust of the first link to Trifecta was about how upset people have become with government and bureaucracy. The idea that governments tend to think they are above the law. The LA Commission seems a perfect of example of people unfamiliar with the law deciding all the aspects of the law – regardless of the law.
This LA County District Attorney got me interested. I started digging.
In the link below we see how in response to criminals wearing body armour (bullet proof vests), police were put in danger. This was starting to become wide spread and a law written to ban and criminalize that behavior wasn’t up held by the court because it was badly written. The Common sense and the integrity I have mentioned was shown by DA Cooley when he realized that a law was needed so he wrote his own law and is pushing to get someone in the legislature to put it forward.
Cooley started making waves in 2005 when he read a nice sounding law with a big loophole. The law made it a federal crime for cop killers to flea jurisdiction. The loop hole gives the killer a chance at parole under Federal law, which he wouldn’t get in California. Again a nice, probably well meant law with bad consequences.
Cooley saw the problem and stood up with integrity and common sense to let people know.
Note also that the person who put forward the bill in the US House was a fellow Republican. Cooley had knowledge of this bill as it was first proposed in LA County.
That is the kind of person that the Republican party needs to put forth as a candidate.
Gladly 2010 is not a Presidential election year, and hopefully from the 2010 elections a leader will emerge from the Tea Party people or someone who is sympathetic and resonant with them that can lead the party to victory in 2012. Time will tell.
Either way the Republican party needs to let the people into the decision making of the elite RNC, we need a big tent alright but some pretty mighty poles or planks to support it.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
PS This just in about Steve Cooley.
I hope he does and I wish him luck.
Happy New Year
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