Saturday, June 21, 2008

Smooth and passive??

Mona Charen had an excellent piece in the National Review showing in her own elegant way how Obama is in reality all that he is promising not to be.
I liked the line describing his voice, she nailed it
-----quote from article-------
And yes, he did say, “Sometimes during campaigns the rhetoric gets overheated and amplified.” But, oh, the way he employs the passive voice! It’s not that he pandered to or misled the voters. No, the rhetoric got overheated. Who else, I ask you, can so smoothly deploy the passive voice?
I guess what Obama said proves my point. I don’t remember him or his rhetoric getting what I would call overheated or amplified. In my neighborhood I know what amplified means. Also notice what he says about what he is saying in a campaign. He calls it rhetoric. I don’t think how much you stretch it what John McCain says would be called rhetoric. And anyway, how can you get angry at the voice how could you call that voice heated. For that matter I fail to see any real emotion. What can you call him? He does remind me of Bill Clinton in the way he weasels out of past statements so smoothly. But the shrewdness of Bill is missing the energy of Bill. What’s left is a blandness, a Carter like image, a something that is hard to dislike. Even his attempts at being one of the downtrodden doesn’t quite revitalize the image the Media is trying to paint. Seems a little cartoonish. More like a caricature that doesn’t quite catch the real person. A little too well done for the real thing.

Hey am I mistaken or has he been adding grey to his hair? Hey I shouldn’t complain look at those old peoples sun glasses McCain wears after all.

We all have noticed contradictions in his stated purpose of making politics into something other than usual. Well Hillary definitely brought out the Usualness in Barrack. Lol. In away, I was hoping the Hillary challenge would of brought out more of the less blandness or less passivity in him and his campaign.

I think that I like John McCain not so much in spite of but because of his faults. He is cranky and stubborn and let’s you know it if he believes in something. He is changing his mind on things way to often for politics, more like the way I live. He is even willing to speak the truth that he didn’t know as much about the economy as foreign policy. Imagine that he even said he’d have to study it. Can you imagine Barrack saying that? I mean with all of Barrack’s experience in Chicago politics he must know everything. Wonder why he shunned so many Senate votes. Well who am I to judge I have to study things to understand them. John McCain perhaps should never be on a stage but his policies should. Barrack belongs on the stage but not his programs. Maybe if he keeps up his blandness people will not find a reason to vote against him. Well except for his programs and promises.

I’m voting in this bland passive election not the least bland and passive, I'm looking for substance.

Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

Edit breaking news.
A start to a bipartisan drilling program??

Friday, June 20, 2008

Leading The Majority

Looking forward to listening to this today. The link to Newt’s email is below
If you miss it the e station Right Talk has five channels and they rotate each hour during the day. Look for the Leading the Majority logo and click on the channel. At the top of the hour.
The first speaker should give a lot of insight into what “Shale Oil” is, how it is mined and other stuff that I don’t know anything about. We sure are hearing a lot about it. I want to know hopefully this will do it.

Also the second part could be good about dealing with negative ideas in a campaign.

If that link doesn’t work go to the Right Talk link below

They have some good conservatives appear on the shows.
One word of caution, I had trouble with the new windows browser, I ended up using Firefox to access the site.

"Bottom Up Politics" on a National Scale

First it was Newt, taking polls listening gathering information about what the public really thought. Putting it in his Platform for America. Then the surge in gas prices and the vast majority of the public wanting something to be done with it. Next Newt came up with the "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less" petition drive idea and the public enthusiacally responded. Newt acting as the facilator for public opinion "bubbling up" from the "Bottom Up" and offering conservative solutions that common sense tells us will work. Then the House with Walberg then Westmorland then Boehner bouyed and strengthened by Newts Petition came on board. Now below I show what the Senate is doing to get on board.

As much as I tend to think the Senate Republicans and the leadership is way behind the times, I have to admit that Mitch McConnell the Republican leader in the Senate has been fighting a good fight against the tax everything energy plan the Democrat Senators tried to get through. (us old guys have to stick together) They put up a hell of a fight against the Warner Lieberman cap and trade Climate Tax Bill. The fight should by any measure should not have been as hard as it was. The bill would of put an immediate 50+ cents tax on a gallon of gas. It would of cost jobs. All it would of done is collect trillions for the government to spend as wisely as they have in the past. Should have been a no brainer. Well with the media help and the fear mongering by the left about dying Polar Bears it was a reasonably close thing and the Republicans had to do a lot of hustling. Still the Dems nearly got ½ of the vote of the senate to stop the filibuster. They needed 3/5, But the Senate republicans did stop the bill, I will give them the credit that’s due.
The real credit I’m giving is to the Democrats for the way they put their foot in their mouth with this outrageous bill when crying about how bad the economy was and that the people couldn’t afford to eat. The chutzpah of these guys. That’s Jewish, in my neighborhood we say, how stupid and how arrogant can these elite (m)*&&^&&(Fers)*(*^(*& Be? Libs in San Franciscan speak would say. Golly I guess the public couldn’t grasp the subtleties of the plan, they were probably clinging to tightly to their gas caps, and Halliburton made those gas caps so you can see that it‘s Bush‘s fault. Common sense mixed with reality I come away feeling sorry for the Stupid Bastards.

Gee that was fun. Watching someone get caught with their hand in the cookie jar is always fun. I guess I’d have to say they got caught blue handed.

The author of that article obviously didn’t see Newt coming and the Tsunami of the jump in gas price. None of us really did to the extent Newt did. Perhaps it’s more accurate to say none of us were able to act as well and quickly and with such reach to the situation as Newt did.
Environmentalists have always eyed 2009 as the real target year for enactment. But there was no show of strength this week and cap-and-trade may have reached its political high water mark. Conservatives at least are in a far stronger position now to demand major pro-growth tax cuts in exchange for new global warming taxes.
-- Stephen Moore
The whole “Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less” phenomenon kind of snuck up on us. Except for Newt. He started the whole process before the 2006 elections. Anyway, the Dems just as they were getting their foot back out Newt and the House and now with the Senate pushed in the other one. It is a good smack down still going on. Made me proud of the effort. It’s been awhile for that feeling, so if you think I‘m reaching forgive me. I think at worst I’m using creative optimism. Lol At best I’m seeing a rosy picture if we can keep our feet out of our mouths. The Democrats with the words from the radical left have fallen over those words and don’t know how to get up.

After the vote Mitch McConnell the Senate leader stays fired up the link is from June 6th.
Then he kept hitting them over and over applying the pressure. The Dems are on the ropes in the Senate too.
06/10/08 McConnell: Don’t Permanently Raise Taxes to Temporarily Cut Taxes
06/11/08 American Families Need Relief, Not More ‘Gradual Adjustment’ in the Price at the Pump
06/12/08 America Needs More Energy, Not a ‘Gradual Adjustment’ in Gas Prices
06/17/08 McConnell: We Need More American Energy Now
06/18/08 Support for $4 Gas Not a ‘Common View,’ McConnell Says
06/18/08 McConnell Calls on Congress to Increase American Energy Production
The above Prs can be found at Mitch’s web site.

Now we still need to apply enough extra pressure through the truth and common sense and an in your face way to get enough strength to form a bipartisan majority and get some actual drilling done. Perhaps when Newt presents his petition on the Fourth of July, with all our signatures on it, over 1 million strong. Maybe that will turn the tide. I feel the people are waking up and are ready to do the job and solve the energy process. The legislators are beginning to get worried. Man I’m begging write you Congressman and Senators. Write an editorial for your paper. Talk to your neighbors. Put a Drill Here Sign in your car. This might be the tipping point when we embrace doing something about the energy problem. Something concrete. When we make something work. If Americans can do that they will remember what it’s like to take control and we will be on our way. If we can do that as a country again, our party will again have learned how to facilitate the voice and will of the people through government into concrete action. That will be a beautiful thing to see. The Democrats and their constant drum beat of the sky is falling and fear mongering will wither on the vine. The good FDR Dems will remain. That is ok, that is as it should be.

Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

-----Link to Newt Drill Here Petition-----
The total was 1,012,000, while I slept some 35,000 people signed the petition. Now it’s around 1,047,000. I wasn't dreaming. All I can say is WOW

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Newt's Tsunami

I see that Newt’s message is finally getting some play from the Republican leadership. It’s taken awhile but that’s spilt milk. The important thing is that the leadership is taking notice of what had been an unheeded voice at least by the leadership. Through Newt’s tireless efforts solutions have been formulated through the new media, web 2.0 if you will by him, and that message is resonating with the people of the internet. For Republican virtually an untapped source of votes. Newt has been creating the infra structure to create solutions then market them through the internet. Newt single handedly is bringing the ability to play in the internet age to the Republicans. They are only starting to come to grips with the obvious because they are faced with extermination. This is just the way of things, I guess. I had just hoped that as Republican’s the party of common sense we would of used some before now.
Well enough of my victim hood. Slap my face. Wake me up. Deal with the good news that the message carried by Newt is being brought slowly to the front. The link below is from “That’s Saul” Our State Republican leader. I applaud him for the link to Newt.
Newt’s link is down a little bit. Under Gingrich….. Oh hell here’s the link.
Here is another link to some Gingrich unleashed at his best, talking to Young Republicans. The talk is great for old ones like me too, if they can still understand it. Lol. It is a motivational talk that is great. Gets me fired up every time I listen to it. I know I’ve posted this before. But gee just because I’ve had sex once doesn’t mean that I can’t again. No offence Newt. Lol Just trying to make a point.
Also an update on Newt’s Drill Hear, Drill Now, Pay Less Petition. He passed a Million.
Newt’s site is becoming a clearing house for internet information about Republican initiatives. I had posted about the Westmoreland Petition start I had heard on CSPAN. Then when I updated it two days ago there were 23 signatures, and Newt had linked to it with the names. I emailed Pete Hoekstra and reminded him to sign and also to look at the and share his thoughts on the Walberg “Discharge Petition” I haven’t gotten an email back yet but check out the update on the Westmoreland Petition at Newt’s site. I count 123. While it is not enough yet, the gain of 100 is impressive, and the important thing is that 123 legislators so far are willing to put their names to something that promises common sense immediate action. More will follow. I did see Pete’s name on it too. I feel good.
This link is off of Newt’s site from the Business Week. Shows the stark difference between the candidate’s position for how help the energy issue.
Video of Newt’s new ad about oil prices and congress.
Tim Walberg’s Discharge petition as of yesterday was at 140 signatures. See link below
What is the response from the Democrats to date? Trying to hook all this effort to lower costs to getting in bed with Big Oil. Like they will blame it on Bush. Talk about the same old politics as usual. We offer concrete actions to solve a problem and the Dems best shot is to call us names. So what’s new and frankly who cares. This isn’t a school yard at recess. Remember Carvel’s “It’s the economy Stupid” Well that’s as right now as it was then. It’s our pocket books too. Oh I nearly forgot their other solutions like walk to work or like Democratic Governor Granholm’s memorable solution for nearly bankrupt state of Michigan the recently former auto capital of the world. Ride a bike to work. That really helps the auto workers. I wonder how much of the UAW funds went into that solution to our problems? Maybe some auto workers are thinking a secret ballot isn’t such a bad idea in the Unions. We can also cut our usage and get us out of this, of course we have to understand that for some like algore it’s ok to raise their electric by 10%.

Well the word is getting out and the elites are having a heck of a time putting another spin on the obvious. The Democrat elites have been living off of the saying that there is a sucker born every minute. Well Newt and hopefully I am here to facilitate the other 4 Americans born every minute to see through the scam. Also maybe the ones they are calling suckers might not like it either. Lol.

Well that’s enough for now.

Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Too Little Too Late ? NOT It's a Ground Swell

Too Little Too Late ?? NOT !!!!!!

One of Obama’s favorite sayings is to claim he is against politics as usual. He’s accusing McCain continuously of being a Washington insider. In the link below John McCain accuses Obama of having a pre Sept. 10 mindset.
The article states the following.
-----quote from article------
Former CIA director James Woolsey said Obama has "an extremely dangerous and extremely naive approach toward terrorism ... and toward dealing with prisoners captured overseas who have been engaged in terrorist attacks against the United States."
While the article asks a valid point: whether or not Obama is naïve or not. To me that was not the instructive point in the article. I walked away from the piece with the opinion that Obama is indeed very adept at “politics as usual” He tried to turn the argument around to the same old same old mantra that if you vote for McCain you are voting for Bush and Rove. I wish he would give it a break. That rhetoric must be getting old even to his base by now. His base young old black brown or white, male or female are affected 100% by the high cost of gas. They along with every body else want to pay less for a gallon of gas. The Republicans are taking the initiative in actually trying to do something directly and immediate about that issue.

Speaking of new change. The actually doing something kind of Change. John McCain seems to have gone on the offensive, and seems to be joining somewhat with the Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less crowd that is making a ruckus in the House of which I’ve posted before. He also is bringing up the immediate relief of his previously touted “Gas Tax Holliday”. See the link below.
More news about the effect of Newt Gingrich’s “Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less” Petition and Campaign along with the current “guerilla war” in the House. It’s working. According to a Rasmussen poll. 67% of the people are in favor of offshore drilling. Barrack is definitely against that. The point here that shows the whole campaign started by Newt and picked up in practical terms first by Tim Walberg and the Discharge petition is getting enough recognition to warrant a national poll, and the poll backs up what we’re saying. The majority of all Americans are in favor of drilling. Newt calls that a tri partisan majority. A majority of Republicans, Democrats and Independents are in favor of drilling. Newt’s book “Real Change” has what he calls a platform for the American people which is made up of issues that all have a tri partisan majority. Plenty of ammunition the members of the House can use to keep the heat up on the Democrats.
The quote below is the guts of the article.
The Outer Continental Shelf moratorium, passed in 1981, bans exploration for offshore natural gas and oil deposits. Barack Obama, McCain's opponent for the White House, voted against an effort to lift the ban last year in the Senate. He argued that it was only a short-term solution. National Democratic Party leaders and most environmental organizations for years have strongly opposed efforts to explore for oil off the coast of the U.S.
According to the new survey, 85% of Republicans are in favor of offshore drilling as opposed to 57% of Democrats and 60% of unaffiliated voters. Those who call themselves conservatives favor such drilling 84% to 46% of liberals and 59% of self-designated moderates.
The next sentence point out that 58% of African Americans favor drilling vs. 71% of whites. That seems like a majority of people favor what Barrack and the Democrats don’t when it comes to this at least.

May Tim Walberg and Lynn Westmoreland along with the other Republicans in the House keep that fire burning hot. I know that there are some Republicans that say it’s too little too late and it won’t have an effect. Let me tell you that’s not the case. I posted earlier about Pelosi issued a recent press release saying that the Dems will come out soon with their energy bills, that was in direct response to the Republican push. Pelosi hasn’t yet. Now this next link shows that John Boehner has indeed stepped up as leader of the Republican House members and isn’t standing in their way. Two more House members changed their minds in favor of drilling.
The link came off Boehner’s website. As I said before you might want to put it in your favorite places to keep up with the House Republicans in the battle. Call your congressman and let him or her know you are behind the Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less” and the “Discharge Petition” campaign.
-----Boehner’s Website-----
Remember too when I posted about the Lynn Westmoreland Petition for the US House members to sign? Here is an update, from Lynn’s site. His total is at 23. It is now also linked on
I didn’t see my US Representative Pete Hoekstra’s name on the list think I’ll call him and ask why. You can too. His contact info is below.
By the way, Newt’s “Drill Now” petition is at 861,856 signatures. You can sign it too, if you simply go to the link below.
While you’re there browse around one of the most comprehensive and awesome websites around. Newt by himself has been saving the Republicans from computer illiteracy. Also see another link in his site about his plan for the Energy Independence Day this 4th of July. Common sense solutions ??? Think the public is starting to take notice ???? Think It’s resonating with the people ??? YOU BET. Too little too late ?? NOT !!!

Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Obama's VP Chris Dodd ?? NOT

Quick Edit for Breaking News

Chris Dodd as Obama’s VP, not now with his VIP loan from Country Wide !!!
Below one of many links showing Dodd in the running as Obama’a VP
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

A "Two-Fer" Kinda Like Meijers

Two Topics For the Price Of One. Reminds me of Meijer’s.

Newt Gingrich gives a thumbs up to Bobby Jindal the governor of Louisiana as a good VP choice for McCain. Got the link off of Drudge
I also have posted about Bobby. I liked the way he was a get things done kind of guy in the after math of Katrina. He wasn’t governor then, if I remember he was only in the State house, that among other things is what helped make him governor
-----2 of my other posts-----
Here is a quote from Bobby Jindal. It is Jindal’s simple theory: “If you want to discourage something, tax it. If you want to encourage it, don’t tax it.” Gee -- I think I like that.
His whole approach to problem solving fits in with mine. Just wade in and start solving the problems with what’s at hand, get the process started, get the people working towards the goal and allow them to correct their mistakes as they happen. Because they will happen. Facilitate this kind of problem fixing. Nike had the right idea, “JUST DO IT”
Below is a link that’s saying all of the top candidates for VP for either Obama or McCain, aren’t interested. The link is from Newsmax. I actually hope Bobby does what he says and stays in Louisiana. He can get things done there, he can showcase his talents, and hone his talents. He would be good for the ticket come election time, but what a waste of talent.

Switching gears but along the same road there is the following link
It is about Democrats calling Joe Lieberman an attack dog for the Republicans. Lieberman is an independent who votes mainly Democrat on issues, he caucus‘s with the Dems. But calling him an attack dog, I would call that a personal attack. All Joe did was disagree with Obama about his position towards Israel. I’m glad I’m not a Democrat. I would have to worry that if I said anything against the party line, I would be shunned and personally attacked. As a Republican I take great joy in calling my leaders names. I guess I owe the Democrats for making my skin a little thicker. Without that I would go into a tirade every time someone didn’t agree with me. I would waste a lot of time that could be spent getting things done. Look at the Democrat congress and how much time they spend on tirades. How many impeachment motions have they come up with. How many investigations have they tried to start. How many things like the Fairness Doctrine are they trying to get passed????? How many attempts at de-funding the war have they tried? What have they actually accomplished ??? All they can do is blame their lack of leadership on the Minority party for disagreeing with them. They are the party in charge for crying out loud. They are the ones who should be leading the charge on the high cost of gas for example. The Republicans finally got off their butts, and are taking the initiative. No wonder Congress’s rating is lower than the Presidents. The American people aren’t as stupid and gullible as some of the leadership (in both parties) in Congress thinks.

The Republicans are starting to get the picture. Finally I haven’t heard much from Tom Cole lately, I hope he has been chastised and tries to change his ways. Like I say we have a chance here to seize the moment and run with it. We have a chance to turn this thing around. If the leaders don’t like it we need to go around them. We are starting to resonate with the public. There isn’t time for foot dragging and politics as usual. Cole is keeping quiet, hope he brings his talent to the effort just leaves the attitude at home. John Boehner is doing this in the House, Boehner is showing what a leader should be doing. Fighting skirmishes as a delaying tactic while marshalling what forces he can to win some smaller battles and make the case to the public. It is from the public that parties gain their strength their mandate.

I blame the Tom Cole’s and Elizabeth Dole’s of the Senate for squandering the progress we as a Party had made and were making bringing all people into our way of thinking by our actions, not just our talking. We had great African American leaders and were propelling them into power. Collin Powell, JC Watts, Michael Steele, the journalists like Walter Williams and my favorite Thomas Sowell, Condi. People of that stature and character were starting to crack the Democratic stranglehold on the African American vote. With Bill Cosby talking of values ect. Republicans were making headway. We, all Republicans were starting to earn back the American trust. Then our leaders let success beguile them. They started to become elite, they started breaking promises implied and actual. Again I use the treatment of Keith Butler as the epitome of their “country club” condescending “we know better than you” attitude. I started losing the trust I had in the leadership of the Republican party at that point. With George and his whole Big Government thing I lost more. As a conservative I nearly went the route of Ron Paul. A third party idea kept sounding better and better or at least the only option I had left. Then as I dug into the politics of the situation, I saw that there were other people like myself but way more influential. People within the Party. The Bush thing is over and it is plain to see outside of Iraq, it didn’t work. AT ALL. For “compassion” to work as a force it has to ACTUALLY solve problems, not make them worse. Bush’s compassion seemed to just be a cave-in to liberal ideas which had created the problems in the first place, and didn’t work then. Just made government bigger. It works less well now.

Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Battle Of The House

As I posted earlier, I felt that Tim Walberg’s “Discharge Petition” was going to be the opening volley in the House battle to get something done about rising fuel costs and other common sense solutions the Republicans have put forth to help solve other problems in education ect. The following link seems to bear this out. Even the mighty Ma Ha Rushie is on board. The link below is from the John Boehner web site. Put it in your favorites to help keep track of the coming battle.

The Republicans in the Congress are finally getting mobilized, they are finally starting to offer solutions. If John McCain can quickly get behind some of these issues as a Senator and lead the fight then maybe the public will see that the Republicans are the party that has ACTUAL solutions to the problems of government. If they can get some of the legislation passed the public will see that the Republicans have solutions that work.

We as Republicans don’t have the luxury of just talking about change. We did once, then won the right to lead, then blew the chance. We lost the trust of the public which we had fought for so hard and for so long. We like any other person who wins the lottery let it go to our heads. We turned into what we were fighting. The people saw it and paid us back. We need to earn that trust back, which will be harder than just talking a good game. Harder than it was the first time. We are out of easy ways out. We have to walk the walk. We have to come up with common sense solutions then go to the wall for them even if we know it will be a losing battle. The public will gradually warm to us again it they see that the Republican party is made again of people of principle. For the party to do this the leadership will have to lead or get out of the way.
Below is a link to some specific positive solutions being put forth in the Education and Labor fields by Republicans.
Ranking Republican member of the Education and labor Committee Howard P. “Buck” McKeon is doing his share.
------quote from above link-----
The reform principles outlined today build upon Republican efforts in recent years to promote education reform through accountability, flexibility, and parental choice. For instance, Rep. McKeon last year proposed legislation to give state and local officials even greater freedom than they already enjoy under the No Child Left Behind Act to spend federal dollars in the way that will best meet their students’ needs. Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) has championed the Teacher Incentive Fund, which helps states establish innovative pay-for-performance systems that reward teachers for their success in the classroom. And Republicans are responsible for creation of the hugely popular D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, which offers disadvantaged students in one of the nation’s most troubled school districts the opportunity to transfer to a private school.
Noticed a name I’m becoming familiar with due to the Energy battle in the House, Tom Price (R. of Ga.) and his Teacher Incentive Fund.
Notice too that we did get the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program passed and working and the public took notice. That is what I’m talking about. Putting forth good common sense solutions and going to the wall for them and eventually some of it goes through. Small victories maybe, but proof for a skeptical public to hang their hat on. This follows my idea of “MAKE DO, MAKE IT NOW, MAKE IT WORK, that I’ve posted before. Also the MacGyver idea of making something work with whatever we have at hand. Letting our ingenuity loose.

House Republican leader John Boehner’s web site has a lot of the plans that Republicans are starting to get behind.
Good beginning but as the quote I’ve learned from “Team Burton” says “So stick to the fight when hardest hit. It‘s when things go wrong that you mustn‘t quit.” From Dan Burton’s blog. He is the congressman from Indiana, a conservative leader in the House running again this year.

Hopefully Boehner will stick to his guns and the conservatives like Burton, Price, Westmorland McKeon, and our own Tim Walberg and others will keep the heat up on the Democrats and perhaps gain a few victories along the way. The main thing is not to let the Dems scuttle our attempts with compromises that water down solutions. We must stick to the ideas that make us Republicans.

We’ll see. I’ll keep doing whatever I can think of to help.

Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

Edit. Just got this off of Drudge.
Looks like the Dems are getting worried that we are taking away an important issue for the election. Now we have to be careful not to be cast as usual in bed with the oil companies. The Dems are very good at that. We must counter by holding firm on the Walberg “Discharge Petition” and keep pushing our agenda for real change and explain it to the public. Let Newt do it, Let Dan Burton, and Tim Walberg do it. Keep it simple, keep it focused on producing more to drive the cost down now. NOW.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Here We Go.

The internet is finally going the way of the Cable TV industry. Sounds like if they have their way, there will be a million packages to get on the internet to “ help the consumer save money” so they can only pay for what they use. Been there done that. See link below. This has been brewing for awhile. Now if the government could just find a better way to tax this freedom by the byte. Wow we could really save the world with all the new tax revenue. Look at the job we’re doing so far with government programs. Wonder how much it will cost us extra to hear the magic words. “YOU’VE GOT SNAIL MAIL”.
They are saying all the Cable like things. This won’t effect the average user. Yeah right.
Like the article said the hog now will be considered the average user in the future. The article is long but worth the read. What it lacks are any solutions.

I have some off the top of my head. Functional ?? I don’t know. Here goes. How about the government helping to build the infrastructure as they build roads. The worry would be to keep the government out of the actual business. “The Fairness Doctrine” springs to mind. How about charging the big users. The people making money off of this freedom. What about my freedom to post and write what I want. Isn’t there a difference between my type of posting vs. when I download a movie from Netflix? I’m a little conflicted on this one because my conservative ideas tell me a straight charge per use is fair. But that will certainly not be the case. As with all else, there will be breaks given here and there and the whole picture gets muddied up pretty quick. I would like to hear some other opinions on this. I think I will post on my other site about this . I’ll try to start calling local politicians as too any ideas they might have.

The main thing I want is to be able to keep what we have as far as the free flow of information at a reasonable price. I can do without free movies. I’ll rent what I want to see by the movie. I can do the same with the rest of the entertainment end. Do a pay per view type of thing. I don’t want nor do I think it wise to do the same with the flow of information. I don’t want to pay extra if I want to spend all day googling something I’m interested in as a citizen. The whole concept of Transparency in Government and Health Care would be set back by just the notion that maybe if I look up too much information about what my best choices are in hospitals or doctors, or how my legislator voted, I might be using more than the allotted gigs in my plan.

I look at it like Sales Tax in Michigan where I live. Food is not taxed because it is a necessity to live. All else is taxed accordingly. To me a small flat charge to seek out the information necessary to be an informed citizen is all that I should be charged. I even feel that more access through lower charges is needed for the gathering of such freedom insuring information. All the other entertainment functions, I have less of a problem with. How about the government providing the infrastructure in return for the low cost dissemination of the information. Let the Big Boys, make their money on the entertainment end.

I’m willing to go to the mat for this type of thing. I have an interest in this but it is not a vested interest. I make no money doing this.

Well that’s enough for now.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative.

Discharge Update

Tim Walberg’s “Discharge Petition” update 6/12/08
He now has 139 signatures. He needs 218 signatures to get to the magic number to bring the bill to the House floor for a vote. This would force house members to vote yes or no. This could be the leverage needed to get a bill passed that the majority leaders don’t want.
This is the same ploy Sen. McCain got the McCain Feingold bill unstuck in committee and passed. As I blogged about earlier this even if it is a losing battle is another little reminder that the Republicans are willing to do something about our problems vs. doing nothing. Again back to a guerilla type of publicity campaign.
The word is slowly bubbling up to the media Tim Walberg just did an interview with Investors Business Daily, Inc The link is below.
Couple this with Lynn Westmorland’s US House Petition for it’s members, and the discussion he and Tom Price and Dan Burton had on the subject after hours on the House floor on CSPAN is yet another reminder. We have to become the reality party, The party that can solve the problems with what is at hand. The old TV show MacGyver is how we should be attacking the problems that confront us not talking about how hard it will be or that if only we had this bill or that, MAKE DO, MAKE IT NOW, MAKE IT WORK. I know it’s a knock off of Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less. But hey imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Below is a link to Dan Burton’s blog, explaining better his energy proposal, and part of what was talked about during the above after hours House discussion.

We need to face the facts that there are not any permanent solutions to the problems we face. Life is an ever changing work in progress. Never ending ever evolving. One solution will be fine today but bad for tomorrow. Let’s face it the guy who just invented the perfect buggy whip probably won’t become rich, and become a success.

If we have a problem let’s MacGyver it till we get a chance to properly solve it. Maybe we can learn something in the process of attempting to solve it. McCain did a MacGyver on the gas tax holiday. Another reminder we’re willing to do what we can not just talk about doing something.

It’s funny, since I’ve started blogging almost everything I see I can find something to blog about. I am learning lessons from life that would normally have passed me by. Today I watched an interview about this agnostic young Jewish liberal who decided to immerse himself in the bible for one year. He was to trying to do everything literally that the bible suggested. The dress the food, the commandments, the whole nine yards. He did this and wrote a book called “A Year Of Living Biblically” He of course remained an unbeliever. BUT he did say that the biggest thing he learned was that life worked differently, in effect in the opposite way from how he thought it worked. He said that he learned how by acting in a certain way changed his behavior. This liberal was shocked that he found the way he acted towards others and the way he thought was determined to a large part by the way he lived and acted. He had assumed that in order to change one would have to first make an effort of thought then go about trying to change. Instead of just doing something and that, the act of doing, would change how you think, and your subsequent behavior. He didn’t quite know what to think of that but he mumbled something about the latest cutting edge psychology or something. Like this was something new. To me it is just common sense. Perhaps he was given a little grace and as we all tend to think when we’re given that insight, something profound has happened. If you think about what I wrote in regards to that guy perhaps you can see how I tied that into MacGyver and Make Do, Make It Now, Make It Work. I, we, the whole government system works best if we are allowed to learn as we go, learn from our mistakes. Do things in little parts, letting more of us share in the experience of the journey we call Freedom. Not wait until the perfect solution that fits everyone is found one that can be administered by just a few. Like they said back in the day, enjoy the journey, because once you’re there it’s over.

Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative