Monday, June 16, 2008

The Battle Of The House

As I posted earlier, I felt that Tim Walberg’s “Discharge Petition” was going to be the opening volley in the House battle to get something done about rising fuel costs and other common sense solutions the Republicans have put forth to help solve other problems in education ect. The following link seems to bear this out. Even the mighty Ma Ha Rushie is on board. The link below is from the John Boehner web site. Put it in your favorites to help keep track of the coming battle.

The Republicans in the Congress are finally getting mobilized, they are finally starting to offer solutions. If John McCain can quickly get behind some of these issues as a Senator and lead the fight then maybe the public will see that the Republicans are the party that has ACTUAL solutions to the problems of government. If they can get some of the legislation passed the public will see that the Republicans have solutions that work.

We as Republicans don’t have the luxury of just talking about change. We did once, then won the right to lead, then blew the chance. We lost the trust of the public which we had fought for so hard and for so long. We like any other person who wins the lottery let it go to our heads. We turned into what we were fighting. The people saw it and paid us back. We need to earn that trust back, which will be harder than just talking a good game. Harder than it was the first time. We are out of easy ways out. We have to walk the walk. We have to come up with common sense solutions then go to the wall for them even if we know it will be a losing battle. The public will gradually warm to us again it they see that the Republican party is made again of people of principle. For the party to do this the leadership will have to lead or get out of the way.
Below is a link to some specific positive solutions being put forth in the Education and Labor fields by Republicans.
Ranking Republican member of the Education and labor Committee Howard P. “Buck” McKeon is doing his share.
------quote from above link-----
The reform principles outlined today build upon Republican efforts in recent years to promote education reform through accountability, flexibility, and parental choice. For instance, Rep. McKeon last year proposed legislation to give state and local officials even greater freedom than they already enjoy under the No Child Left Behind Act to spend federal dollars in the way that will best meet their students’ needs. Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) has championed the Teacher Incentive Fund, which helps states establish innovative pay-for-performance systems that reward teachers for their success in the classroom. And Republicans are responsible for creation of the hugely popular D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, which offers disadvantaged students in one of the nation’s most troubled school districts the opportunity to transfer to a private school.
Noticed a name I’m becoming familiar with due to the Energy battle in the House, Tom Price (R. of Ga.) and his Teacher Incentive Fund.
Notice too that we did get the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program passed and working and the public took notice. That is what I’m talking about. Putting forth good common sense solutions and going to the wall for them and eventually some of it goes through. Small victories maybe, but proof for a skeptical public to hang their hat on. This follows my idea of “MAKE DO, MAKE IT NOW, MAKE IT WORK, that I’ve posted before. Also the MacGyver idea of making something work with whatever we have at hand. Letting our ingenuity loose.

House Republican leader John Boehner’s web site has a lot of the plans that Republicans are starting to get behind.
Good beginning but as the quote I’ve learned from “Team Burton” says “So stick to the fight when hardest hit. It‘s when things go wrong that you mustn‘t quit.” From Dan Burton’s blog. He is the congressman from Indiana, a conservative leader in the House running again this year.

Hopefully Boehner will stick to his guns and the conservatives like Burton, Price, Westmorland McKeon, and our own Tim Walberg and others will keep the heat up on the Democrats and perhaps gain a few victories along the way. The main thing is not to let the Dems scuttle our attempts with compromises that water down solutions. We must stick to the ideas that make us Republicans.

We’ll see. I’ll keep doing whatever I can think of to help.

Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

Edit. Just got this off of Drudge.
Looks like the Dems are getting worried that we are taking away an important issue for the election. Now we have to be careful not to be cast as usual in bed with the oil companies. The Dems are very good at that. We must counter by holding firm on the Walberg “Discharge Petition” and keep pushing our agenda for real change and explain it to the public. Let Newt do it, Let Dan Burton, and Tim Walberg do it. Keep it simple, keep it focused on producing more to drive the cost down now. NOW.

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