I blogged a long while ago about seeing Dan Burton, Tom Price and William Westmoreland after hours in the House pushing the Drill Hear Drill Now concept. They were alone and seemingly talking to no one but themselves till I realized I was watching them from over 1,000 miles away – so I blogged about it If I heard about it in Muskegon Mi. then so did others.
Back then I was happy that at least someone in Congress gets it.
Dan Burton and Dr. Tom Price have been in the news lately.
Rep. Price was recently on PJTV talking about what the American people need to do to keep affecting change. “Angry enraged and engaged” said House member Tom Price of what he hopes the Tea Party members and the citizenry in general need to do to push back the encroachment of a corrupt overreaching government.
Dan Burton has also been active. He was one of the eight Republicans signing a letter “demanding” the SEC turn over documents which would show whether Goldman Sachs was in collusion with the Administration.
Nice to note that some young blood has joined the veteran Conservatives in Congress that have been fighting Earmarks and true fiscal responsibility. I’m talking here about Aaron Schock of Illinois, Anh “Joseph” Cao of Louisiana and Jason Chaffetz of Utah. These guys are fighters. The Republican Study Committee should really be making noise and getting things done if they can enlist the fire of these guys.

Then again talking of Chaffetz of Utah there is this out today from Newsmax written by David A. Patten.
It is nice to see politicians and grass roots conservative on the same page. The conservatives must feel good about the Republican Party watching their back for a change. In Michigan as probably the rest of the country a hardnosed conservative candidate not only has to keep his eye on the Democrat Party but the Republicans too.
But it sure is nice to watch the goings on in Utah and it inspires me in this Midwestern state. Reading the article, the caucus system is way different than the primary system we have in Michigan. But kudos to them anyway. We’ll just come up with a different in Michigan.
Then again some deserve the Flying Fickle award. (to be nice)

Just remember what the Tea Party did in Mass. It sure would be nice if Scott Brown would. Well if he keeps it up, his future will be written in Tea Party leaves.
The main thing Tea Party people should learn, and I know I did; pick a GOOD candidate, do the research. Being Angry led us to being Enraged and now that we are Engaging we are learning. This freedom stuff is hard work.
But like the song says, “We won’t be fooled again”, at least not as easily and we are learning that what we do can be undone; and as with Health Care whatever is done can be undone.
Let the sleeping bear roar.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
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