Sunday, June 22, 2008

Too much going on I have to post twice today. lol

The Guerilla Gas War.

House Republicans are now firmly behind changing American Energy policy. The leadership of John Boehner in the House is becoming evident as he organizes the opposition. Not just a few lone voices out there any more. Like Walberg, Westmoreland, Burton. Below is a link to John Boehner’s web site which lists what he’s been up to.
Getting back to the Guerilla War type of thing I especially liked the 2 min. speeches tactic he used, I was again reminded me of Newt’s early Republican Revolution.
This is a full court press covering every possible way of getting the word out and for once the
Republicans seem to be all getting on board. The Senate under Mitch McConnell is ramping up their efforts also.

The whole new dimension to the equation that fired this up and is leading by example is Newt Gingrich. He brings a New Media a Web 2.0 presence to the debate. He knows Guerilla Marketing. He also as a regular on FOX helps get the message out in the Major Media. I had to laugh last nite I was watching an in-depth report by FOX about the facts behind the “Drill Here” frenzy then they went to people on the street to see what they thought and the last guy on the street was ---- Newt Gingrich. He said one sentence with a straight face. I fell off my chair laughing. That is Guerrilla Marketing. How he pulled that off I don’t have a clue.

Boehner’s site has this other site of theirs linked in it called “the all of the above energy solutions” I linked the part I liked about the list of “discharge Petitions”. Notice the first one , the No more excuses petition. That is the one I had blogged about and how Tim Walberg of Mi. was leading the charge well he was and the link shows the other discharge petitions since then.
I applaud their efforts. The word is getting out. I was excited when I noticed that I was given a hat tip on Dan Burton’s Blog. He is a conservative leader of the House and one of the original backers of the Drill now movement. I blogged about seeing him along with Tom Price backing Lynn Westmoreland’s petition in one of my Guerilla posts. He seemed amazed that someone actually listened. All I can say is “Build it and they will come” Keep on doing what you’re doing.
Check out the rest of his web site, as I’ve blogged before it is full of information on this battle. Not only on this battle. If you have the time scroll down through Dan’s blog and see all the different efforts he’s making. You can see why he is called a Conservative leader in the House. He has been preaching energy solutions in a common sense way for a long time.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative

PS Newt’s “Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less” Petition. Check it out, sign it if you will.
Check his main site out also at

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