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Some politicians Mean what they say about Meaningful things and are forced out of politics, yet keep their integrity. Saul Anuzis former State Chairman of the Michigan Republican Party is one of that breed. Saul remains ever active in the party and the Conservative cause.
To Mean what you say today about matters of substance and get reelected is truly a rare ability. I received an email from Saul about a Politician who Means what he says and is in a position to Mean what he says about important Meaningful matters.
I’m talking about Thaddeus McCotter from Michigan’s Congressional District in Livonia Mi. Below is a link to the article in the American Spectator that Saul sent out.
Being fond of words, I love to hear Congressman McCotter talk. His dry humor is along the lines of a William F. Buckley, yet a little sharper and somehow more in tune with the times. He’s proven that he can talk the King’s English and yet get his message across to the Blue Collar people in his district.
McCotter is a person who enjoys an intelligent discussion and seems to hold his own against most. He is now the Chair of the Republican Policy Committee. It is nice to see Minority Leader John Boehner picking the likes of McCotter to surround himself with.
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-----quote from article-----
McCOTTER'S VISION EXTENDS FAR BEYOND his congressional district, however. He methodically walks through a five-point summary of the fundamental principles he says should guide the Republican Party: "Our liberty is from God not the government; our sovereignty rests in our souls not the soil; our security is through strength not surrender; our prosperity is from the private sector not the public sector; and our truths are self-evident, not relative."
I’m not a fan of cutting and pasting but --- here is another that shows while the Republican Party in general was going to the Center and even the Left to try to get votes and were losing. Thaddeus McCotter stayed on the Right and was able to communicate to a coalition that President Reagan had awakened so long ago. To quote the quote “traditional area Republicans and blue-collar conservatives”
-----quote from article------
A graduate of Detroit's Catholic Central High School, where he played football, McCotter went on to receive his undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Detroit. He was elected to the Wayne County Commission in 1992 at just 27. There he led the charge to change the county's charter to force a new tax to be approved by two-thirds of commissioners and 60 percent of the voters. Elected to the state senate in 1998, McCotter launched a political career based on appealing to traditional area Republicans and blue-collar conservatives.
With his stances even those not conservative ones, he has earned my respect and with his humor I give him my thanks. I thank him for the relief he provide when compared with the likes of Barney Frank and his temper tantrums when faced with any opposition. Congressman McCotter seems to have found that special skill of communicating the positive effects of the conservative message to the high and the low brows of this land.
The article lists five principles that McCotter says should lead us :
{ "Our liberty is from God not the government; our sovereignty rests in our souls not the soil; our security is through strength not surrender; our prosperity is from the private sector not the public sector; and our truths are self-evident, not relative."}
With a conservative as Chair of the Policy Committee that states the sentiments above, I have hope for the Republicans and a Conservative Revolution in the House in 2010. A unifying component is still needed; whether a single person or a device as the “Contract With America” was.
But McCotter is a start. His gift of knowing how to communicate how conservative principles work in real life’s concrete terms is another step in the right direction. McCotter has a working knowledge of Conservateese as well as the King’s English. He got reelected in a competitive swing district. If he can communicate that along with his humor to the rest of the Republican Party we may have something brewing.
McCotter Means what he says, along with that refreshing and somehow familiar looking glint in his eye.
Regards, Live Dangerously Be A Conservative
For a taste of McCotter's humor and a clue where "American Spectator" got most of their stuff see the youtube link below
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